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(1770 - 1831)

(~1792 - 1854)
Charlotte POTT
(1796 - 1872)
 bd.  About 30 March 1792; Adlington, Macclesfield, Cheshire UK
 dd.  1854, age about 62; Bollington, Cheshire UK
 occ.  Agricultural labourer, employed on the Legh estate, Adlington Hall
1851 Stone quarryman
 res.  1841: Styperson Park, Adlington, UK
 src.   [7],[24]
 bd.  1796
 dd.  1872, age about 76
 occ.  Housekeeper
 res.  1841: Styperson Park, Adlington, UK
 src.   [9],[24]


Thomas HOUGH (1823 - 1898)

Notes for John HOUGH

Coroners Inquest
On Thursday last an inquest was held before T. Roscoe Esq. deputy coroner at the Queens Arms in Bollington, on the body of John HOUGH, aged 62, a labourer in the employ of C R B Legh Esq. of ADLINGTON.
It appeared from the evidence that the deceased had been drinking at a beer house in Water Street, Bollington, which place he left about 8 o’clock on Tuesday evening with the intention of going home.
The night being excessively dark it is supposed he stumbled over some loose stones where the battlement of the bridge in Water Street is broken down, and was precipitated into the water, a depth of 20 feet or upwards. The body was not discovered until daylight the following morning.
This being the second fatal accident occurring within a few months, from the neglect of properly fencing dangerous places within the public streets of this village, the Coroner commented in very severe terms on the conduct of the surveyors of highways in thus neglecting to repair (or compelling the parties liable) and thereby causing such serious loss of life and hinted that if such highly dangerous places were not at once properly guarded and further accidents occurred in consequence there of future juries might take a different view of the matter and the surveyors placed in a painfully disagreeable position.
Verdict: Accidental death. [7]


7.  Email, James Hough, Various dates
9.  Email, James Hough, 17 August 2009
24.  Census, 1851 census Adlington Macclesfield library

Family record last updated: 23 April 2013

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