Frederick SWINDELLS (1845 - ) | Emma DAVIES (1847 - ) | bd. | 1845 | dd. | Deceased, age not recorded | edu. | Brampton College | occ. | Company Secretary | rel. | Anglican | res. | Rock Cottage, Kerridge By 1886: Rose Cottage, Endon, Kerridge, Cheshire, UK | src. | [12] |
| bd. | 1847 | dd. | Deceased, age not recorded | res. | UK | src. | [12] |
Children (4):
Notes for Frederick SWINDELLS Marriage disapproved of by his father, Martin II. 1871: salary £120pa,
1872 raised to £200pa, by 1878 £298.2s.7d [12]
Sources 12. | Book, 1973, reprinted 1986, Cotton Town, Wilmslow Historical Society |
Family record last updated: 23 April 2013 |
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