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Samuel UNWIN
(1809 - 1868)
(1819 - )
(1813 - 1877)
(1818 - )

Married: July 1866 [52]
Samuel UNWIN
(1845 - 1904)
Elizabeth INGHAM
(1845 - 1927)
 bd.  1845; Bollington, Cheshire UK
 dd.   Dec 1904, age about 59; Bollington, Cheshire UK
 brd.  Chapel Street cemetery, Bollington
 occ.  Draper and tea dealer
 rel.  Catholic
 res.  UK
 src.   [52]
 bd.  1845
 dd.  21 July 1927, age about 82; Bollington, Cheshire UK
 brd.  Chapel Street cemetery, Bollington
 rel.  Catholic
 res.  UK
 src.   [52]
Web page: Happy Valley: Unwin family, history

Children (7):

Mary Helen 'Nellie' UNWIN (1868 - 1957)
Elizabeth 'Lizzy' UNWIN (1872 - 1955)
Ethel UNWIN (1874 - 1957)
Gertrude 'Gerty' UNWIN (1876 - 1960)
Hilda UNWIN (1881 - 1936)

Notes for Samuel UNWIN

There were two prominent UNWIN families in Bollington, and this was a member of the Catholic family.

Began by assisting his father. About 1880, having married Elizabeth Ingham, he moved the family and business from Water Street to bigger premises at Manchester House, Palmerston Street. It is possible that he inherited this building and the business from his father-in-law John Ingham in 1891. He would have taken over the business when father-in-law retired to Brock Street in Macclesfield. We have a collection of legal papers relating to the settlement of John Ingham′s estate in 1891 and, without having understood it all, it looks as though Elizabeth Unwin née Ingham inherited the business and property. [92]


52.  Email, Alan Gavin, 14 January 2011
92.  Historical Society, Bollington Civic Society

Family record last updated: 5 Feb 2025

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