This Conservation area (CA) contains the village centre plus much of the land around it. It includes Chancery Lane and Cow Lane, the top 50m of Grimshaw Lane, all of Jackson Lane, Redway up to Windmill Lane, Oak Lane as far as the War Memorial and Higher Lane. The boundary runs along Windmill Lane until just before its junction with Higher Lane, protecting all the properties on the downhill side (Cheshire View Cottages and Higher Lane). The boundary runs more or less down the Rally road including all the properties in Oakfold and the dry dock. It includes Red Oaks Farm, Hollin Hall Hotel and the properties adjacent as well as those at the top of Grimshaw Lane but no others in the Charter Road estate.
In July 2006 Macclesfield Borough Council varied the boundary of the Bollington and Kerridge conservation area in pursuance of its powers under section 69 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990. The purpose was to include additional properties within the conservation area. These properties include Endon Hall North, South, and West, Endon Hall Farmhouse, Endon Hall Farm, 1, 2 and 3 Endon Hall Mews, 4, 6 and 8 Windmill Lane.
The following text is taken with kind permission from Macclesfield Borough Council’s Conservation Area Guide for Owners & Occupiers.
Many properties in this CA are also subject to Article Four Direction which imposes further controls over alteration of the properties. The following properties are included within the Borough of Macclesfield (Bollington and Kerridge, Macclesfield) Article 4 Direction 1992.
Chancery Lane 3-7 (odd nos. incl.), 2-24 (even nos. incl.), 34-54 (even nos. incl.), 64
Cheshire View 1, 2, 4 and 6
Grimshaw Lane 87-105 (odd nos. incl.)
Higher Lane 2-14, 18-24, 28-40 (even nos. incl.), 1-5 (odd nos. incl.)
Endon House, Meadow Cottage, The Barn
Jackson Lane 2-4 (even nos. incl.), 1-15 (odd nos. incl.), 29-49 (odd nos. incl.), 45a and 47a
Lord Street 2-54 (even nos. incl.)
Oak Lane 1-17, 21-31 (odd nos. incl.), 4-10 (even nos. incl.), 10a and 16, Kerridge Chapel and 2, 40-44 (even nos. incl.).
Redway Lane 2-40 (even nos. incl.), 1-5 (odd nos. incl.)
If you require forms, conservation advice, further information or assistance please contact:
The Chief Planning Officer
Cheshire East Council
Westfields, Middlewich Road, Sandbach CW11 1HZ
Tel: 0300 123 5500
Web site