Home » Organisations & Services » Pre-school


There is a list of local Parent and Baby Groups on a separate page.

Allsorts Pre-School

St. John’s School, Grimshaw Lane, Bollington, Macclesfield SK10 5LY
Supervisor: Mrs. Kathryn Cox
Tel: 07913 628115
Web site

Opening hours 8.00am to 5.00pm every day.
We take children from age two and a half to five plus years and offer government 30 hour funded places to eligible families.  We are a small non profit making pre-school taking just twenty children per session.

Bollington Pre-School


Water Street Centre, Water Street, Bollington, Macclesfield SK10 5PB 
Chairperson: Rachel Forster
Setting Manager: Sue Ord
Web site
Open daily:
We now operate Monday to Friday 8am – 5pm.

Non funded children will be charged at an hourly rate and you can choose what hours you would like your child to attend, starting and finishing at a time convenient to you, within our normal opening hours. Please call for full details of services and costs.

Footprints Nursery

Footprints at Dean Valley
Albert Road, Bollington, Macclesfield SK10 5HS
Tel: 01625−574777
Web site

Open Monday to Friday 07.30 to 18.00, 51 weeks per year.

“We at Dean Valley are very excited about this because Footprints have brought a child care service to Bollington that was previously unavailable in the village, namely – all day child care, every weekday, 51 weeks a year. Full time working parents now have a child care service that meets their needs in Bollington. This may also help parents who live elsewhere and work in Bollington as well as Bollington families.” David Picken, Chair of Governors, Dean Valley.

Cheshire Messy Play

Various locations. In Bollington …
The Water Street Centre, Water Street, Bollington, Macclesfield SK10 5PA
Proprietor: Char Marland
Tel: 07841 021078 
email: cheshiremessyplay@outlook.com 
Pebbles Instagram

We meet at Water Street Centre on Wednesdays (including school holidays), 09:30 – 10:30, and 11:30 – 12:30. Fees payable.

Sessions are designed to allow young children to develop their independence while nurturing their creativity and imagination. All material used are non-toxic and taste-safe.

Daisybank Day Nursery

The Old Methodist Church, Wellington Road, Bollington, Macclesfield SK10 5JR
Tel: 01625 473988
Mob: 07973 378277
Web site

For children up to 4yrs. “Daisybank Nursery in Bollington provides a unique approach to baby and toddler care. We are here to make sure your children are nurtured in a safe and stimulating environment by qualified and experienced staff.”

Nursery Rhymes Nursery

Middlewood House, Grimshaw Lane, Bollington, Macclesfield SK10 5JB
Tel: 01625 573233
Web site

Fun Time before/after school care

Dean Valley Community Primary School, Albert Road, Bollington, Macclesfield SK10 5HS
See entry on other page.

Dean Valley School Mums & Tots

Dean Valley School, Albert Road, Bollington, Macclesfield SK10 5HS
Tel: 01625 572767
Web page

Each Thursday afternoon between 2.00pm and 3.00pm.

St. Oswald’s Praise & Play

St. Oswald’s Church, Bollington Road, Bollington, Macclesfield SK10 5EG
Leader: Beverley Nixon
Tel: 01625 500970
Everyone welcome on Tuesdays (during term time), 9.30am to 11.30am.

St. Oswald’s Little Owls Baby & Toddler Group

St. Oswald’s Church, Bollington Road, Bollington, Macclesfield SK10 5EG
Jackie Pengelly 
Tel: 07887 987082 
Christine Osbaldiston 
Tel: 07703 437548 
A friendly group for babies, toddlers, parents and carers. Fun, games, craft, songs, stories and prayers. Refreshments. Suggested donation £2 per family. Tuesdays (during term time).

Pott Shrigley – Praise and Play

St Christopher’s Church, Pott Shrigley, Macclesfield, SK10 5RT

Leader: Celia Fraser
Tel: 07891 417609

For parents and carers with babies, toddlers or pre-school children. Play time with a bible story, singing and craft activities – come and join the fun and fellowship.
Term-time Wednesdays from 9:30am until 11am in Church.

Bosom Buddies

Bosom Buddies has now moved to Macclesfield.

We have another breastfeeding support group which meets in Bollington – La Leche League – see immediately below …

La Leche League Macclesfield

Leader: Francesca Edwards
Tel: 01625 261253
2nd or 3rd Monday of the month at 12.30pm, Bollington – please call us for more info and the address.
For all interested mothers. Mother-to-mother support with skilled breastfeeding help and discussion.

Free Rhymetime and Storytime sessions

Bollington Library, Palmerston Street (corner of Hurst Lane), Bollington, Macclesfield SK10 5JX
Tel/fax: 01625 378266
Web site

Storytime is held every Tuesday morning, from 10.00am-10:30am suitable for ages 2-5.

Rhymetime is held every Wednesday AND Friday morning, from 10.00am-10:30am suitable for ages 0-5.

We continue throughout the year, including school holidays, whenever the library is open! Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Buggyfit Classes

Bollington Recreation Ground, Adlington Road, Bollington, Macclesfield SK10 5JT

Leader: Wendy Reid
Tel: 07515 385774

Buggyfit is the ultimate fitness class for new Mums wanting to get back in shape after their new arrival. This power walking class, with strengthening and toning exercises is proving to be the answer to shifting postnatal weight and re-toning your body after giving birth. This one hour workout enables you to meet new friends, and baby/toddlers come too!

Buggy fit classes will run in all weathers unless the Met Office advises to stay at home. “It’s more than just a walk in the park!”

Classes include …
Bollington Recreation Ground: weekly, Tuesday, 10 – 11am

Also in Macclesfield …
West Park, Macclesfield: weekly, Thursday, 10 – 11am