Samuel COOKE (~1863 - 1949) | Mary Hannah WORSENCROFT (~1864 - 1911) | bd. | About 1863 | dd. | 10 May 1949, age about 85; Bollington, Cheshire UK | brd. | St John's Church, Bollington, Cheshire UK | occ. | Farmer at Duncalf Farm, [Sugar Lane,] Adlington, Cheshire | res. | Duncalf Farm, [Sugar Lane,] Adlington, Cheshire, UK | src. | [77] |
| bd. | About 1864 | dd. | 2 May 1911, age about 46; Bollington, Cheshire UK | brd. | St John's Church, Bollington, Cheshire UK | res. | Duncalf Farm, [Sugar Lane,] Adlington, Cheshire, UK | src. | [77] |
Child: Sources 77. | Church record, Burial at St John's, (Bollington) |
Family record last updated: 16 June 2013 |
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