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Samuel UNWIN
(1844 - 1876)
Martha POTTS
(1847 - )

Married: 1897 [122]
(1868 - )
(1867 - )
 bd.  1868; Wilden, Herefordshire
 dd.  Deceased, age not recorded
 occ.  1901: Fireman (boiler stoker?) at (Heaver's?) brewery
1911: Labourer at brewery
 res.  1901, 1911: Lord Street, Bollington, Cheshire, UK
 src.   [122]
 bd.  1867; Bollington, Cheshire
 dd.  Deceased, age not recorded
 res.  UK
 src.   [122]

Notes for George CRESSWELL

I speculate that George worked at Heaver's brewery because it was the only big brewery in Bollington at the time, and he lived in Lord Street which was adjacent to the brewery at Higher mills.

I also believe that in those days a fireman was one who looked after a boiler, rather the more modern meaning of the word as one who put out fires. [Webmaster]


122.  Document, David Brandreth, 16 January 2016, A Genealogy Report For ALBERT BOLLINGTON

Family record last updated: 12 June 2019

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