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(~1791 - 1860)
Susannah 'Susan' ROWLANDSON
(~1792 - 1878)

Married: 24 Dec 1854; Macclesfield, Cheshire UK [58]
Elizabeth OTTLEY
(~1829 - ~1906)
 dd.  Deceased, age not recorded
 res.  UK
 src.   [58]
 bd.  About 1829; Sutton, Macclesfield, Cheshire UK
 dd.  About 1906, age about 77; Bollington, Cheshire UK
 occ.  Cotton weaver
 res.  UK
 src.   [58]

Notes for Elizabeth OTTLEY

Census info:
6 June 1841 --------- 10 - Church Street, Bollington.
30 March 1851 ------ 20 - Church Street, Bollington - Cotton weaver.
7 April 1861 --------- 30 - Church Street, Bollington.
2 April 1871 --------- 40 - Church Street, Bollington (visitor to Susanna).
3 April 1881 --------- 50 - 19 Grosvenor Street, Radcliffe, Lancashire.
31 March 1891 ------ 60 - 59 Victoria Street, Radcliffe, Lancashire.
31 March 1901 ------ 70 - Church Street, Bollington.


58.  Email, Roy Harrison, 10 February 2011

Family record last updated: 23 April 2013

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