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(1827 - 1898)
(~1824 - 1884)

Married: About 1889; Bollington, Cheshire UK [2]
John Charles PERKIN
(1861 - 1895)
(~1867 - 1935)
 bd.  23 July 1861; Great High Street, Bollington, Cheshire UK
 dd.  28 April 1895, age 33; Bollington, Cheshire UK
 occ.  Master sign writer
 res.  UK
 src.   [2]
 bd.  About 1867
 dd.  25 May 1935, age about 67
 res.  UK
 src.   [2]

Children (5):

John PERKIN (1890 - 1965)
Charles PERKIN (1891 - 1956)
Walter PERKIN (1892 - 1893)
[Died in infancy]
James PERKIN (~1894 - <10-1949)
Harry PERKIN (1895 - ~1955)

Notes for John Charles PERKIN

While unmarried, age 19, living in Palmerston Street (part of which was previously Great High Street), a plumber and painter.

At birth of first child lived in Defiance Street, also known as Defiance Brow and now Queen Street.

Became a master sign writer working for Hamsons of Shrigley Road.

Thought to have broken a leg while playing football which led to his death.

Macclesfield Courier: Mr J C Perkin, son of Mr John Perkin, landlord of the Meridian Inn, died on Sunday from pleurisy, after only a few weeks illness. He was 34 [sic] years of age, and was one of the first bell ringers of St John′s Church. Great respect was shown by the neighbours at his funeral on Wednesday, and muffled peals were rung during the day by the ringers. The deceased leaves a wife and three children. [2]


2.  Document, David Charles Perkin, 21 April 2006, Bollington history (STB)

Family record last updated: 23 April 2013

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