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BirthFemale; 1875; Ballinasloe, County Galway, Ireland
DeathDeceased, age not recorded
Occupation1911: Domestic [servant] in Bollington
Residence1901: Endon Lodge, Kerridge
1911: 168? Higher Lane, Kerridge, Cheshire, UK


1        Married
BirthMale; 1870; Manchester, Lancashire
DeathDeceased, age not recorded
Occupation1901: Coachman/domestic in Bollington
1911: Coachman/Chauffeur in Bollington
Residence1871: Spittal Street, Ancoats, Manchester
1901: Endon Lodge, Kerridge
1911: 168? Higher Lane, Kerridge, Cheshire, UK
Marriage 1894, Ballinasloe, County Galway, Ireland [122]
Children (6):Albert Edward GILGANI (1896 - 1975)
John William GILGANI [Died in infancy] (1898 - 1903)
Thomas GILGANI (1900 - )
Vincent G GILGANI (1902 - )
Frederick GILGANI (1904 - )
Gordon Geoffrey GILGANI (1904 - )

Notes for John Edward GILGANI

No such address as 168 Higher Lane, Kerridge. Mis-recorded in/from census. [Webmaster]


122.  Document, David Brandreth, 16 January 2016, A Genealogy Report For ALBERT BOLLINGTON

Person record last updated: 5 Aug 2019

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