Display family record
Name | Thomas Needham WARBURTON [141] | Birth | Male; About 3Q1858; Bollington, Cheshire UK | Birth Memo | Registered 3Q1858 Macclesfield 8a 83 | Death | Deceased, age not recorded | Occupation | 1881: Coachman 1891: Foreman miller | Residence | 1881: 9 Union Road, Stockport, Cheshire 1891: 4 Aston Street, Garston, Lancashire, UK | Father | Robert WARBURTON (1828 - >1901) | Mother | Sarah CHEETHAM (~1827 - 1868) |
Spouse: |
Marriage |
24 Dec 1877, St Mark's, Bredbury, Cheshire |
Marriage Memo | Registered 4Q1877 Stockport 8a 13 |
Sources 141. | Document, John Medley, 06 October 2020, The Warburton family of Bollington |
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