An excellent book, Bollington 1914-1918 …and more, has been written by Dave Williams (husband of Vicar Veronica Hydon) and Roy Arnold, describing WWI in the context of its affect on Bollington and the families living here. It lists every Bollington man killed in both WWI and WWII, giving biographical details of their lives in Bollington before service in the military and as much as is known about their loss in battle. The book is available at St Oswald’s Church, the Discovery Centre , the Bridgend Centre and other outlets, price £7.99. The profits are shared between the church and a charity, Combat Stress, which provides respite to those returning from wars with what used to be known as shell shock but is today known as post traumatic stress disorder.
The pictures below were taken at the Bollington Remembrance day service on 13th November 2011. If you would like a digital copy please send me an email message quoting the picture number (hover mouse over image to show picture number) and I’ll send you a copy by return. For personal use only, not for publication in print or on web sites without prior permission please. Select either thumbnail view or slideshow. In slideshow click on image to show next image.
All pictures copyright, © Tim Boddington, 2011