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BirthMale; 1852
DeathDeceased, age not recorded
Occupation1871: Painter
Residence1871: boarder at 5 Moss Lane, Lowerhouse, Bollington Cheshire
1881: Mount Pleasant, Bollington, Cheshire
1885: 46 Church Street, Bollington, Cheshire, UK


1        Married
BirthFemale; About 1855; Rainow, Cheshire UK
DeathDeceased, age not recorded
Residence1881: Mount Pleasant, Bollington, Cheshire
1885: 46 Church Street, Bollington, Cheshire, UK
Marriage After 1771
Children (7):Alfred HOUGH (1876 - )
Arthur HOUGH (1879 - )
Walter HOUGH (1881 - 1906)
Alice HOUGH (1884 - 1960)
Ethel HOUGH (1893 - )
Annie HOUGH (1894 - 1985)
Harold HOUGH [Died in childhood] (1897 - 1902)

Family notes for Henry HOUGH and Rachel BLEASE

It is known that Rachel′s widowed father lived with the family at 46 Church Street in 1885.


9.  Email, James Hough, 17 August 2009
39.  Census, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901, 1911 Censuses Macclesfield

Person record last updated: 26 Oct 2023

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