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Planning Policies

Chesire East Council
provide Planning Policies which were adopted in the Local Plan updated in January 2004.

The settlement of Bollington is surrounded by Green Belt. Within the Green Belt planning policies seek to keep land open and keep levels of activity to a minimum. It is the intention that the Green Belt should have a rural character and restrictions on building are, therefore, severe.

A large part of Bollington (the eastern side) is also surrounded by an Area of Special County Value. Within this area Cheshire East Council will seek to conserve and enhance the quality of the landscape and to protect it from development that is likely to have an adverse effect on its character and appearance. Some of this land is in the Peak National Park which provides further protection by virtue of its own planning controls.

Kerridge Hill, Tinkers Clough and part of the Macclesfield Canal are identified as Sites of Nature Conservation Importance – development which would adversely affect such designations will not normally be permitted.

Hall Hill is identified as a Nature Conservation Priority Area – within these areas the council will seek to implement management plans to enhance nature conservation interests.

Parts of Bollington are identified as Flood Risk Areas and the boundaries of these are shown on the Local Plan Proposals Map. This is frequently updated by the Environment Agency and the boundaries in the Local Plan might have changed.

Within Bollington there are four Conservation Areas as follows:

Within these areas development should preserve or enhance the character or appearance of the Conservation Area.

A number of areas of recreational land and open space are identified on the Local Plan Proposals Map and these should be protected from development. In addition, land at Bollington Road is allocated for playing fields, while land at Hall Hill / Henshaw Road (known locally as Hall Hill fields) is allocated for children’s play space and informal recreation.

The Cheshire East Council is seeking to create a footpath route alongside the River Dean in Bollington (Policy RT7).

There are six existing employment areas shown on the Proposals Map which are suitable for General Industry (B2), Warehousing (B8), High Technology (B1(b)) and Light Industry (B1(c)). In addition, a green field site at Albert Road had planning permission for employment use and this is also identified in the Local Plan. However, this latter has latter been changed to housing use, and house have been constructed here.

Clarence Mill and Adelphi Mill are identified as Mixed-Use Areas. Within these areas a wide range of uses may be permitted, including employment uses, retailing, visitor accommodation and tourist attractions.

Local Shopping Centres are identified at High Street and Grimshaw Lane (this included the Co-op on the corner of Wellington Road and Albert Road). That shop has later been removed to Waterhouse and the old site re-developed with housing.